Epi Result is an epidemiology consultancy with a heart for research methodology.

My services

HIV research

I am involved in different HIV-related projects, going from prevention to the cascade of care. This includes HIV epidemiology and program reviews, evaluating programs for people living with HIV, promoting the use of HIV data to improve practice including developing various HIV-related cascades.

Literature and data reviews

The review process starts with retrieving relevant, up-to-date and scientifically sound information – using online searches, via routine data collection systems or interviews – on a disease or health care service. This information is summarized, assessed for quality, interpreted and written down in a scientific manuscript or report, which can be used as a basis for e.g. programme or policy decisions.

Protocol and publication writing, and editing

I can assist in writing a research protocol, scientific article or report in a structured manner based on your study ideas or results, using an evidence-based approach and the correct methodologies. Or I can review your products and give feedback and/or make revisions where needed.

Curriculum Development and Teaching

The aim of the courses I develop and teach is to make people enthusiastic about epidemiology. I familiarise them with the most important concepts, include context specific examples and a variety of (interactive) exercises, and try to develop their critical thinking skills.


Consultant for the Global HIV Prevention Coalition

I am working on e.g. reviewing guidance documents for Key Populations; guidance for comprehensive service packages for adolescent girls and young women; condom situation analyses; prevention scorecards for Coalition countries. (UNAIDS Geneva)

UNAIDS evaluation of UBRAF 2016-2021

I was responsible for the Right Results chapter, including the quantitative analysis of UBRAF outputs and HIV epidemic and response indicators. Furthermore, I conducted the South Africa case study and several key informant interviews. (Itad)

Impact evaluation of models of care for HIV+ adolescents

I developed the study protocol, prepared the implementation of the baseline study and wrote the baseline results report. (UNICEF Botswana)

Assessment of the TB/HIV single concept note

This included desk-review of key documents, key informant interviews and a workshop with programme managers, and documentation of the results. (The Global Fund)

Developing guidance for creating HIV prevention cascades

Based on the literature and presentations and discussions from workshops, I created a practical guidance document for developing HIV prevention cascades. (Gates Foundation)

Consultant for two nutrition related systematic reviews

This includes title and abstract screening, full text screening, data-extraction and quality assessment of studies identified, and creating text and tables for the review manuscript. (Cochrane South Africa)

Piloting a risk assessment tool for HIV negatives

I developed the tool, pretested it to assess the usability, and currently pilot the tool to assess the process of linking high risk HIV negatives to HIV prevention services. (WHO South Africa)

Gerritsen, PhD,

has been trained in the Netherlands and has been a consultant since 2008 - initially based in South Africa and since 2022 in the Netherlands. “I assist clients with epidemiological research, from literature and data reviews to publication writing and editing. I also love teaching. My focus area is HIV, but I also have experience in many other (non-)communicable diseases".

Download my CV
Annette Gerritsen - Epidemiologist


Global fund UNICEF Itad UNAIDS Cochrane South Africa Bill and Melinda Gates WHO